Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 26, 2010

Phil led a discussion regarding the introduction to Unit 1: Origins/Identities of Anabaptism. We shared our current knowledge of the beliefs and qualities that we associated with Anabaptist/Mennonite culture and history. We compared and contrasted Mennonites to the Amish and Lutherans. We also discussed the commonalities of Mennonite lifestyle among our families and relatives. One great idea is to talk to our parents and relatives about how they associate themselves with Mennonites and to learn about their stories. What was the path they took to become a member of the Mennonite church?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 19, 2010

Today was the first day of Sunday School for the senior high youth. Members shared and contributed their many ideas in these areas: topics to study this year, qualities of an ideal senior youth group leader, fun group activities, fund-raising for the Mennonite convention in Pittsburgh, PA. It was decided that the first unit of study would be about the origins and identities of Anabaptists and Mennonites.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 10-12, 2010

The Senior High Youth Group retreat at Rolling Ridge was a great bonding way to kick off the year. Members arrived at the retreat house on Friday night, via carpool. Upon arrival, friendly conversation carried on until everyone settled in for the night. After a late breakfast on Saturday, members went on a multi-hour hike to "Scenic Overlook", coming in close contact with the Appalachian Trail and climbing/descending over 300 vertical feet. Many trees obscured the view, however upon climbing one, we were able to see for miles above other trees. On the hike back, we visited a large tree house and a meditation yurt. The sky was clear and the temperature was comfortable. In the evening, the group discussed plans for the upcoming year. On Sunday, members returned to HMC just in time for the closing of the service.